Legal information

Dear Visitor,

Please read the following information carefully.

General legal conditions and information

By opening the internet service found on the server or any of its pages you accept the conditions listed below.


Ferrobeton Zrt. have made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all information published on the webpages of Ferrobeton Zrt. are accurate at the time of their uploading. Despite this, Ferrobeton Zrt. shall not assume any express or implied guarantee concerning the information provided via the present website and reserves the right to amend and correct those at any time without further notice, or to delete the website or information published on it in full or in part. Ferrobeton Zrt. shall not be responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions on its website.

With regard to tenders and calls for tender, the rules specified in connection with them apply.

Users are responsible for any decision taken on the basis of information found on the website.

Ferrobeton Zrt. shall not be responsible for any loss or damage arising from accessing its website or information found there, or the unavailability or use thereof.

Ferrobeton Zrt. shall not be responsible for any damage, loss, or costs which result from the use of its webpages, the unfit condition of those for use, their incorrect operation or malfunction, unauthorised changes to data by anyone, or which arise from a delay in the transmission of information, computer viruses, line or system error, or similar causes.

Any user of the website of Ferrobeton Zrt. who provides information to Ferrobeton Zrt. through use of the website accepts the unlimited right of Ferrobeton Zrt. to such information and its use at its own discretion. Any such information provided by users shall be considered as public and free of charge.


The webpages of Ferrobeton Zrt. and all images and audio and text content found therein, as well as the layout thereof are protected by copyright and trademarks, and their use in any form – beyond personal use – is only permitted with the express and specific written consent of Ferrobeton Zrt.

Please note that any use different from the conditions of Ferrobeton Zrt. detailed above or the violation of these conditions may result in copyright, as well as civil and criminal consequences. Ferrobeton Zrt. will take steps against any such violation discovered.